Страница Tabby Ridiman ВКонтакте

Фотография Tabby Ridiman ВКонтакте

Tabby Ridiman

Kentucky, США

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Немного обо мне










[ Viki ]



Дата рождения

12 июля

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Была онлайн ВКонтакте

02 ноября 2012 в 17:27

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Всего друзей


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Всего видеозаписей


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Всего фотоальбомов


Список из 5 страниц друзей

Учебные заведения


№ 43, 1999 – 2008


УралГАХА (ТФ) 2013

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

есть друг

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

ADD MY VLOG CHANNEL! www.youtube.com/tabs24x7Official Send me a letter! tabs24x7 P.O. box 402 Cynthiana ky, 41031 (You DO NOT have to have a P.O. box to send stuff to me!) MOST ASKED QUESTIONS: How old are you: Sixteen! Do you have Facebook, Myspace, Skype, etc: I have a facebook now! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001848720398 Any other account on ANY social networking site besides youtube and facebook are FAKE. How tall are you: 4 feet 9 inches of pure bamfness! Where do you live: Kentucky, in the US! What school do you go to: I homeschool! Is your hair real: DUH. Of course my hair is real! How long has is taken you to grow it out: Three years Do you live on a farm: Yes! Do you have a boyfriend: I do!!! How do you cut your hair: check out my hair tutorial! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExPOKTHXDR8 Do you cut your hair yourself: YES! Wana know more? Check out my vlog channel! www.youtube.com/tabs24x7Official

Мои интересы

Summer, Apple juice, Paper mate pens, Photography, Sprite, Big hair, Booty shorts, Youtube, MTV, Piercings, The cold side of the pillow, Music, Mint chapstick, Art, Animals, Hot showers, All-nighters, Parties, Streaking, Floppy hats, Hollister, Wet seal, Pacsun, Abercrombie, Hot topic, Plato's closet, Journeys, Subway EAT FRESH!, Jet tubs wif sambo, Walks, Tumbling, Tanning, Skinny-dipping, Tattoos, Traveling, Being different, Dancing, Sock surfing, The beach, Singing, Mashed potatoes, Pillow fortresses, V-neck shirts, Movie nights, Onsie pajamas, Being "nude" Clothes are totally overrated, Skinny jeans, Vanilla lotion, Hookah, Indian food, Nail polish, Cooking, Scrap booking, Altered books, Swimming, The ocean, Random hugs n highfives, Orange/mint/raspberry tea, Guitar, Nature, Fruit, Malls, Scaring people with my friendlyness, , Jumping on people, Mocs, Blow fish hobbits, Vans, Pastrys glam pie, Makeup, Woods, Tiny people, Painting, Scaring the shit outta my cats (I HATE cats with a fairy passion, and goats!) Cutting hair, Finding out new things, Driving, Rainy days, Reading, Myspace, Cruises, Snuggling, Working on the farm, Spooning, Eating out, Glow sticks, Sushi, Laying in bed all day with bean, Laughing so hard my sides hurt, Working out, Meeting new people, Gardening, Tormenting my family, Massages, Giving makeovers, Chocolate, Raspberry chocolate, Hot tubs, Drawing with chalk, Being bare foot, Old people, Photo albums, Ice balls, The country, Football games, Sleeping with the ferret, Signing/dancing in the car, Crocheting, Going to the movies, Friendly outgoing people, Cabins in the mountains, Bath salt/oils, Running, Drive-ins, Sleeping, Dances, Being a weird little person

Любимые книги

peeps, the hanging woods, all the harry potters

Любимая музыка

BMTH, ADTR, Kid Cudi, Say Anything, MGMT, New boyz, David Guetta, Radiohead

Любимые цитаты

Life's too short not to have fun, so that's what I do!

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