Страница Селены Гомез ВКонтакте

Фотография Селены Гомез ВКонтакте

Селена Гомез

31 год, Los Angeles, США
Статус: I love you, guys!♥I do not answer your calls on web cam!Because very often busy.

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Немного обо мне




Los Angeles







Дата рождения

22 июля 1992

Полных лет

31 год

Дополнительная информация

Была онлайн ВКонтакте

29 апреля 2015 в 20:23

Устройство с которого заходила


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Backup career: If I could do any other job, I would cook :P Another life: in another life I would ... bird!! Before I got the role of Alex Russo in "Wizards of Waverly Place", I was not a fan of magic!

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Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

есть друг

Моя семья


Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

Got "she" for the role of Alex Russo of the t/C "Wizards vejverli place".I was born in Grand Prairie, Texas, USA. In the family Mandy Cornett and Ricardo Gomes.My father - Hispanic, and my mother is Italian-English origin. His name I received in honor of the popular in the year of the singer Selena.When емне was 5 years old, my parents divorced. Mother, theatre actress, was brought up by one of me and inspired me by their example to the selection of artistic activity. In 2006, my mother married Brian Typhoid, after which I began to wear the double surname of - Typhoid-Gomez. I once said, "Daddy, I want a purity ring." He went to church and was blessed. He thinks that I may example to young people. I'm going to hold back my promise, I want to be honest with yourself, my family and God. My favorite ice cream: "DAD" and "Rocky Road", with lots of almonds, chocolate and marshmallow:) I like to use pseudonyms: I do not know how to play [bowling], but I think it's really fun. I like to call a different name "people from the screen, such as Princess Fancypants or Cheryl Cole!

Мои интересы

My favorite subject is science :) Favorite sport of basketball! My role model and favorite actress Rachel McAdams:) My favorite band Paramore! I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp :) I love cheerleading, surfing and skateboarding! My favorite shoes Converse!

Любимые телешоу

I love the TV show Channel Disney and MTV! I love to watch TV at night, falling asleep while doing so. It's like my usual Sunday evening :)

Любимые книги

so all :)

Любимая музыка

Paramore! The Scene! Rock Mafia!

Любимые цитаты

Learning to play guitar, drums and piano, because I want to be in your own group!

Аккаунты в других социальных сетях

Жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни

Семья и дети

Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к алкоголю


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