Страница Elizabet Gillies ВКонтакте

Фотография Elizabet Gillies ВКонтакте

Elizabet Gillies

30 лет, Hollywood, США
Статус: I love you my friends and fans!

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Дата рождения

26 июня 1993

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30 лет

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04 июня 2013 в 10:24

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Hollywood Academy

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What's your life like these days? Are you still working on a TV show? Are you done with high school? For the last three or so years, I was filming a show on Nickelodeon called "Victorious." Now I'm just home and working on my album. I have one course to finish in school, but I had to start homeschooling because of all the traveling I had to do for work. I left public high school halfway through freshman year, so I had some of the high school experience. But I've met actors who haven't, and it's funny because we'd do a [classroom] scene, and they had to guess what it's like in high school. When did you first start playing The Sims? I started playing the Sims... maybe 10 years ago. I'm 19 now, so I was 8 or 9. I had a best friend when I was 8, and her next-door neighbor was over, and she had the game. I was like. "What is this?!" and I became obsessed with it. and it stuck. I started with The Sims, and then I got The Sims Deluxe... and then I've had every game ever since except Hot Date and Vacation, which is weird because they're very popular. Which Sims games do you play right now? EA was kind enough to send me The Sims 3 Seasons, so I'm playing that. My Mac crashed, though, so I haven't been playing as much. I've been playing on my grandma's PC in her basement, so I have to set aside time to play it outside my house, which is kind of good, because I can get really obsessed. When I was younger, I would play for like 9-10 hours - there would be times where I would ask my parents to hide the game from me so I wouldn't play as much. But the game centers me, relaxes me. When I'm playing, I don't think about anything else, which can be very therapeutic for me. What's your play style like? Do you like building or storytelling more? Sometimes I just like to build houses, but I get really invested in telling a story. I've been like that since I was a kid. Even with Barbies - I'd like to direct and get really dramatic. That's why I love The Sims. Anything I can control I like. I have a game right now that completely ruined my computer because it's gone generation after generation - I just keep going. It's a huge file. Right now, I have maybe four or five generations. I started with a normal adult couple, then they got married and had kids, and then their kids had kids, etc. It's hard because I try to move some of them out into different lots or send the kids to boarding school, but I end up neglecting one or two of them. Right now I'm trying to keep them all in this massive compound with different houses built on the lot. It's weird, but it's good for my purposes because the adults with jobs make a lot of money. I never play with cheats anymore. If I ever need money, I have a girl Sim go around and marry all the rich male Sims, kick them out, sell their house and take their money. Or get married and then sell the car that comes with their spouse. That's not cheating, that's clever playing. Do you get sad when your Sims die at the end of their lifespan? When I play the full lifespan, I'm OK when they die. I've never embraced the Elderly stage because it gets boring. I try to keep them looking young and I rarely let them retire. Once I had a sim get electrocuted and die and I was like, "Whoa. Wasn't expecting that. I know that's a thing, but they usually just get burned!" But I'm OK when they die. My Sims usually live a full life. What's it like as an actress and singer to play the Hollywood-themed expansions like The Sims 3 Showtime? This is the crazy thing - I haven't played Showtime! I've played The Sims Superstar and The Sims 3 Late Night. I like them - it's a new challenge [being a celebrity]. It added a fun element to the game. I usually play nuclear households, with a full family and a bi

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A tea-party and crausing

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A modern face

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My sings

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