Страница Jodi Blankenship ВКонтакте

Фотография Jodi Blankenship ВКонтакте

Jodi Blankenship

36 лет, Fairmont, США
Статус: Hello this Jodi,

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Дата рождения

30 сентября 1987

Полных лет

36 лет

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Был онлайн ВКонтакте

07 октября 2020 в 00:41

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thwere a very good music in the world

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Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

hello there, i'm jodi, i like to cook , i like take pictures, i like to eat , i like to play board game, i 'm a good christian girl, i'm single , i am 27 year old

Мои интересы

my favorite car is mercedes, my favorite holiday is valentine'sday, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is kangaroo, my favorite subject at school is physcs, my favorite sport is football, series heroes, stay alive, my favorite Actor is jim carrie and william smith my faovrite Actress is natalie portman, my favorite singer is justin timberlake, my favorite Group is nsync, and i sleep on a very large bed, i think that miley cyrus a good singer. when i was a kid, i like to be a singer just like justin timberlake, i love the song "crank that ' soulja boy.my favorite Historical is era of the 1980'sand 1990's, i own 5 guitars, my favorite brand is lacoste's, my favorite author is dr.Seuss.i'm a big fan of the american football penn state university. my favorite costume for halloween is cowgirl, i like the chip in a peanut butter and jelly sanwiches inside, sometimes i wear glasses, because they are suffering from sshort-sightedness. if i were the president in the course of the day, i said that i would have made the trees of cotton candy. the ideal place for a relaxing at home. i would fly to the moon, i have dream to be a singer just like justin timberlake and joejonas. according to my mom love me.my favorite show as a kid was "barney and friends "i like demi lovato. iA role model is my sister, my favorite character in the movie- ched, which plays a corbin bleu.i prefer tea and coffer, i like to be a movie star, i would like to make the trip to england, Australia and Asia.if i could be any animal in the world i like to be a monkey, my favorite holidday is valentine's day and chirstmas, in my opinion, of th sister i am the most lazy and noisy . my accustic guitar is my callphone and ipod .i love to do run and walk, swim.i so scare easily. my favorite drinks are redbul and hot chocolate . my favorite i have lost of music, all films about james bond and all films about twilight

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