Страница Jannes Witharana ВКонтакте

Фотография Jannes Witharana ВКонтакте

Jannes Witharana

Bremen, Германия
Статус: vegetarian..............near to Buddhism...and christianity..

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Дата рождения

22 февраля

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31 августа 2020 в 07:14

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traveling..friendship, not looking for sex, , , deepest frindship...

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Пару слов о себе

male asian origin living in europe..german citizen university graduate engineer.. not rich..not poor..simple way of life.. from a buddhist family would like to know other vegetarians..vegan..friends..vegetarian travelpartners.. would like to help someone who may like to come and work here......one has to reach german language knowledge upto b2...c Level..for medical graduates it is hard learning two years without pay at the begining....for a musician or artist it would be easy as music or painting is their language.. i can help absolutely only ONE and only ONE person,who is very seriousely interrested and think not to misuse me or wasting my very valuable time and energy.. and money.she should be a integral part of our simple humble happy family..son21 daughter 20 studying medicine and administration..at the universities ...living outside..who decide first has the possibility..we are not rich..as marriage Partner ..one is eligible for schengen visa,work permission..free medical Services through my Family insurance for all expensive treatments..we are are a very friendly humble Family.. buddhist friends,..travel partners..to visit buddhist cultur..worshiping places..in different countries.. to visit eachother.. i am around sixty..think and look very much younger.. ..natural simple way of life..like to give and share needy people.. calm,serious and deep understanding behaviour..exchange of experiences..human values..philosophical... spiritual wisdom.. no interrests for dancing ..Clubs,,superficial activity..

Мои интересы

classical music, travelling, much less material interests., like to give and share

Любимые книги

>>> i am bit sad..after two years of correspondence...distance relationship a Girl left me..she found another Lover...<<<<< now i have to look for friends again because i was Faithfull to her all the time

Любимая музыка


Любимые цитаты

life is a short Episode between two big secrets..

Жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни

Семья и дети

Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю

Резко негативное



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