Страница Alex Joll ВКонтакте

Фотография Alex Joll ВКонтакте

Alex Joll

29 лет, Москва, Россия

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Дата рождения

12 июня 1994

Полных лет

29 лет

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17 сентября 2013 в 09:58

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Apollo Elementary School


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Пару слов о себе

I was born June 12th, 1994 in Renton, Washington, United States. I began playing sports at the young age of 5 and it was essentially the beginning of what has become an epic journey. I was always a very athletic kid growing up and I soon realized that being physically strong and in great shape helped give me an even greater advantage over my competition. This desire and overwhelming passion to be different than everyone else inspired me to begin lifting weights at the age of 12. It is this passion to be unique that gives me the drive and motivation to be the best, and accomplish all that I can so that one day, when I die, my name will live on for ever. Going into my senior year of high school I was an All-American wrestler, All-State football player, and had set multiple records in track. I had multiple full ride scholarships for football and wrestling and pretty much planned on having my college education paid for through sports. But sometimes life doesn't happen the way you expect. My first football game of my senior year I tore my ACL and shattered my dreams. It was a pretty depressing time in my life. Not only was my dream of playing sports in college shattered but all of my scholarship offers were gone, leaving me with no way to pay for college. I tore my ACL a 2nd time a couple months later and definitely thought my life was over lol. A few days before my 1st surgery, I was on the bodybuilding.com website and I stumbled across the new bodybuilding category called Men’s Physique. I had been training consistently for 5 years at that time and knew this was my calling. Needless to say, a month later I tried it out and won the overall title at my first show. That was the start to my incredible journey that has taken me to various parts of the world and has introduced me to many incredible people. I'm very excited about this new chapter in my life and to see what this world has in store for me. My name is Jeff Seid, and my quest for immortality continues..

Любимые цитаты

My theory - life is a video game, such as SIMS, and every one of us would igraet.Kto I did not play, but this guy better result. U mad?

I continue to exercise when I'm sick, you can not only train if you have a fever. The common cold? Stuffy nose? I continue to train. If I get sick, I'm training. If I'm tired, I'm still practicing.

Before each set, imagine that guy beside you is holding a gun at your head and you have to make a certain number of reps with a certain weight to survive. Mind that ebashte better than usual.

My wish - Train hard, do not be zanudlivym (obsessed), enjoy life and do not judge yourself harshly. If there were more people like me, the world would be a happier place. I would prefer to do what I do and have fun than sitting behind and to hate someone reaching for something.

Too many people go to the gym to do weights for biceps and triceps on the block and do not make progress. Use your mind to
motivate yourself ebashit each workout, it really transform your body. When your body tells you to stop, continue, because that tells your mind that will help you overcome this.

Жизненная позиция

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Главное в жизни

Совершенствование мира

Главное в людях

Красота и здоровье

Отношение к курению

Резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю

Резко негативное

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