Страница Miley-Cyrus Cyrus ВКонтакте

Фотография Miley-Cyrus Cyrus ВКонтакте

Miley-Cyrus Cyrus

31 год,
Статус: Pink - it's not a color, it's attitude.

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Дата рождения

23 ноября 1992

Полных лет

31 год

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Была онлайн ВКонтакте

14 августа 2013 в 12:03

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I think that one day I will live on Tybee Island. That's where I see myself in 10 years. I imagine myself in complete relaxation. And that's where I feel at home because the house - this is where my heart feels.

Those 70 minutes that'm on stage, I do what I want, I say what I want, is who I want. Such luxury is not on television. You know you're playing the hero, you - the one who is written in the script.

The decision to remove Twitter was one of those, as do the new year. So I can spend more time on things and not talk about what I do. In fact, I do not miss him.

Friendship is built on trust. If you fully trust someone, then this one is good. These are the moments worth cherishing.

I love it when a movie character actor's personality shine through.

I really like in the movies, but when I sing on stage have a better chance to be themselves.

Popularity - it's pressure, but it helps me get better.

I like everything that is put on Jessica Simpson! Jessica has definitely put me in a little Mercedes and go shopping if she wants it!

Pink - it's not a color, it's attitude.

Жизненная позиция

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Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

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