Страница Максима Остапенко ВКонтакте

Фотография Максима Остапенко ВКонтакте

Максим Остапенко

31 год, Каменец-Подольский, Украина

Удалить страницу facereview.ru/id35212710

Немного обо мне











Дата рождения

3 марта 1993

Полных лет

31 год

Дополнительная информация

Был онлайн ВКонтакте

09 мая 2012 в 10:54

Устройство с которого заходил


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты ВКонтакте





•°*”˜˜”*°•. .•˜”*°•.•°*”˜•. .•°*”˜˜”*°•., .•°*”˜ .•°*”˜ *ПОЗИТИВ* ˜”*°•.˜”*°•., .•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜*˜*˜”*°•.˜”*°

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№ 10, 2000 – 2014


БрГТУ 2013
Водоснабжения и гидромелиорации

Семейное положение и семья

Мое семейное положение

не женат

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })(); sfdzfdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.a

Мои интересы

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })();, sfdzfdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window

Любимые телешоу

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })();, sfdzfdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window

Любимые книги

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })();, sfdzfdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window

Любимая музыка

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })();, sfdzfdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window

Любимые цитаты

fdshkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjava script:(function() { function getPhotoInfo() { if(res = /id=(\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href)) return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]}; else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0}; } function getMyID() { var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i = 0; i < anchs.length; i++){ if(res = /id(\d+)/.exec(anchs.href)) return res[1]; } return 0; } window.adostes_mark = function(i){ if(friends == undefined || i >= friends.length){ if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(0)", 0); }; var mid; var pid; var myid = getMyID(); var info = getPhotoInfo(); if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))) { alert("Open page with your photo"); return; } window.adostes_pid = info["pid"]; window.adostes_mid = info["mid"hbdhdfjdlfjml;kfdjhlidjh;ldh;ljd;lh]; adostes_markallf(); })();
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All friends have marked on this photo!

"; window.clearTimeout(window.adostes_timer); return; } request_uri = "http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=put&p...["id"]+"&name="+encodeURI(friends["name"])+"&add=1&x="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y="+(Math.random()*100)+"&x2="+(Math.random()*100)+"&y2="+(Math.random()*100); img = new Image(); img.src = request_uri; if(commentArea = document.getElementById("commentArea")) commentArea.innerHTML = i + " of " + friends.length + " friends marked!"; var new_index = i+1; window.adostes_timer = window.setTimeout("window.adostes_mark(" + new_index + ")", 500); }; window.adostes_markallf = function(){ if(!friends){ alert("Click \"Mark human\"!"); return; } if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\nAuthor: Nikolay Khodov (id5500005)")) return; if(rotating = document.getElementById("rotating")) rotating.innerHTML = "

Processing Please wait...

"; window.a

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