Страница Kiki Kannibal ВКонтакте

Фотография Kiki Kannibal ВКонтакте

Kiki Kannibal

34 года, Orlando,

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(Kirsten √ιק Ostrenga)



Дата рождения

18 сентября 1990

Полных лет

34 года

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27 мая 2018 в 16:24

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IT'S MY ONLY ONE PAGE AT VK.COM. HERE I COMMUNICATE WITH MY RUSSIAN FANS! Audio engineer, Dubstep/Electro Producer, Multi Instrumentalist, Model.

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Учебные заведения


Adams High School


University of Central Florida 2010
College of Arts & Humanities

Семейное положение и семья

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не замужем

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

First thing first, none of you will ever truly know me no matter how many videos you watch of me, blogs you read about me or people you know that talk about me. Don't dare act like you do. I fancy to keep it that way. Capiche? Capiche. I hear you like mystery. I got that blonde hair, blue nails, blue eyes, blue makeup, any lil girl who tries to be me - aha they better flee before they see me. These girls are dolls of me - plastic and fake nothing close to the real thing. Maybe if they accept themselves for who they are, their hearts will sing. I do not drink, smoke, or party. I work. I am a lone wolf and I get things done that way. In a few months I will surprise you all with what I am working on. I have been an organic vegetarian since the age of 8. I am a virgo. I am very dedicated and committed to what I want. I don't let others bring me down. I'm very down to earth. I am a huge dork. I LOVE to laugh. I strive for success. I have passion and it burns in my chest. I do my own makeup, hair, dress myself, and coordinate my photo shoots. I am a normal girl, so please stop getting hyped up about bits of pixely light on a screen in a 2D world. Treat me as you would like to be treated. I am young, so older guys.. don't bother. I've had enough of older immature men. Wait for me till I'm 18 so that I can tell you to roll your tongue back into your mouth, pick up your jaw, and fuck off legally. I honestly don't know how I became so popular...I never wanted to be haha, I do enjoy it though, so thank you everyone. :) I guess by just being me! try it once in a while.. maybe people will like you more/better. :D I love sheep, but come on people.. leave marching in the heard to them.. they do it the best! So please don't bleach your hair and do your makeup like me, its not cute - everyone knows im marching to my own tune, so its obvious that you'll lose. I LOVE to take photos that are controversial and throw/piss people off. You know what? It's working. :)) mwhahaha! Organic vegetarian since the age of 8. Get to know me I'm real sweet. I'm real cute and have a personality that can't be beat.I'm Irish, Polish, Welsh, Dutch, German, French, Scottish, English, Danish, and Swedish. MuT STaTuS xoxo WAYS TO CONTACT ME KND website: www.kndkouture.com My website: www.kikikannibal.com My shop: shop.kikikannibal.com My email: kiki@kikikannibal.com My aim sn: kikikanniballl My Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mmmkikikannibal My Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikikannibal My Bebo: http://www.bebo.com/KikiK331 My Buzznet: http://www.kikikannibal.buzznet.com My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kikikanniballl My LiveJournal: http://kikikanniballl.livejournal.com My Stickam: http://www.stickam.com/kikikannibal My wokihow: http://www.wikihow.com/Look-Like-Kiki-Kannibal http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/ I DO NOT HAVE FACEBOOK. Message me at kiki@kikikannibal.com for advice with: Weight/Diet Vegetarianism/Veganism Relationships Beauty Tips xoxo

Мои интересы

Crystal healing, Energy healing, Natural healing, Animal Rights, Raw veganism

Любимые телешоу

Nana Series

Любимые книги

Pyschic Vampires, The Uglies series, Nana Series, A Certain Slant of Light.

Любимая музыка

David Bowie, MGMT, Son House, Neon Indian, The Knife, Placebo, Coco Rosie, Metric

Жизненная позиция

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Главное в жизни

Совершенствование мира

Главное в людях

Доброта и честность

Отношение к курению


Отношение к алкоголю

Резко негативное

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