Страница Александра Гарика ВКонтакте

Фотография Александра Гарика ВКонтакте

Александр Гарик

Днепр (Днепропетровск), Украина

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Немного обо мне




Днепр (Днепропетровск)









Дата рождения

4 октября

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Был онлайн ВКонтакте

21 декабря 2011 в 14:23

Устройство с которого заходил


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To say the word again, to understand the deprivation and have ambitions to fly the sky like a bird dream dissolved in joy, sadness Return to the beginning of life, and buy everything that I did not let others see the world in shades, That was a juicy, traced were smaller and not climb up thereWhere, as in a muddy swamp Enjoy the look of his daughter's timid And I changed my way, fool, come down from the road and climbed into the dirt, where not to go befuddled brother, knowing that you and I now do not we verge of breaking, tearing tissue burning death flames, breaking through the dreams of others And the soul? soul torn apart Do you remember, Puzyrechki clap-clap and when I was young, I also listened to hip-hop knew people who hop on the street stop with calf at the disco late at night, pitter-patter on the vein of Yes, slap-slap, Puzyrechki clap-clap Guf And I still practice herbal therapy and ditch the papers divide into pieces of equal weekends land head hair dryer sometimes teeter with fast and slow I can replace three machines per week Mitsubishi, Ferrari, Mercedes Just love is part of the body's lips, heart, The skull - вобще delicacies with agent zero zero pass the first mission, sit down at the track, not in noroshku And every good passer-by horns from the McDonald's within the ring of the fall we go looking for mushrooms with friends gather, eat and then walk when hungry - eat Cactus different grains, seeds, Roots, and sometimes even when I was young, I also listened to hip-hop knew the people who hop on the street stop with calf at the disco late at night, pitter-patter in the vein of Yes, slap-slap, clap-clap puzyrechki And when I was young I also listened to hip-hop knew people who hop on the street stop with calf Chusei late at night pitter-patter on the vein of Yes plop-plop, Puzyrechki clap-clap MC Bor Moments flicker, I will go down in the soul disengaging my mind from all this - dick knows. But this is not the end, because those who do not even dream, Though the air drop, without thinking someone is waiting on throwing stones, each day spent in the past, shit in my head, only thought vulgar. What will happen tomorrow, when all the way passed, when the remnants of life and life abandoned. Yes. Not a drop of fear, fear no more time to leave, day and night changes, so all went up to infinity, who then lost consciousness, was dissolved in eternity. I would not want to start life again, as would not cast wherever throw. Simply say: "Not good when calm" Cigarettes, women with youngsters-stands, had a smoke, enough! And when I was young, I also listened to hip-hop knew the people who hop on the street stop with calf at the disco late at night, pitter-patter in the vein of Yes, slap-slap, clap-clap puzyrechki But when I was young, I also listened to hip-hop knew peopleThat the street gop-stop Revision - maintoss with calf Chusei late at night pitter-patter on the vein of Yes, slap-slap, clap-clap puzyrechki

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№ 117, 2001 – 2009


КА Шаг (ДФ) 2010
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Пару слов о себе

Act now ICJ states: 1. MS is always right! 2. MS does not "hear you", not brother, not a kid, not a homosexual, not a tractor, do not combine, not a goat, no cops, no boss, not an asshole, no longer a boy and not goof. 3. MS does not know and he did not care, what's the date, day of week, the state \ church \ informal \ any other holiday, year, etc. 4. MS can not "clean and really bazaar. He only knows how to talk or read. 5. "This classroom song" NO! 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, listikaego ICJ states: 1. MS is always right! 2. MS does not "hear you", not brother, not a kid, not a homosexual, not a tractor, do not combine, not a goat, no cops, no boss, not an asshole, no longer a boy and not goof. 3. MS does not know and he did not care, what's the date, day of week, the state \ church \ informal \ any other holiday, year, etc. 4. MS can not "clean and really bazaar. He only knows how to talk or read. 5. "This classroom song" NO! 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, extension cords, batteries, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, napkins, handkerchiefs, drugs, telephone, toilet paper, plugs, 6. There are no MS cigarettes, lighters, pens, leaves, na О себе: _____@@@@__________@@, ____@@@@@@@@____@@@@@, ___@@__@@@@@@_@@@@@@@, ________@@@@@

Мои интересы

football, basketball, litrbol YYYY, music, movies, hanging out with friends, drink a beer with the boys, pospast GGG, table tennis like he rushing me, turntable, music, PC, mobile, graffiti, cars, boobs, Liu gGGyG, polahat from the heart with friends, well, like all

Любимые телешоу


Любимые книги

_____@@@@__________@@, ____@@@@@@@@____@@@@@, ___@@__@@@@@@_@@@@@@@, ________@@@@@@@__@@@@@@, _________@@@@@__@___@@@@@, _________@@@@@__@____@@@@@, _________@@@@@__@___@@@@@, _____@@_@@@@@__@___@@@, ____@@__@@@@@__@@@@, _@@@___@@@@@__@@@@@@, __@@@@_@@@@@__@@@@@@@, ___@@@@@@@@@__@_@@@@@@@, ____@@@@@@@@__@___@@@@@@@, _____@@@@@@@__@______@@@@@@, ________@@@@@__@________@@@@@@, ______@@@@@@@@@@@______@@@@@@, ___@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___@@@@@@_@, __@@@@___________@@@@_____@@@@@@, __@@________________@@_________@@, _______________________________________, ________@@@@@@_________________@@, _____@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___@@@, ___@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, __@@@@_______________@@@@@@@@, _@@@___________@@@@@@@@@@@@, _@@@_________@@@@@@@@__@@@@, ___@@________@____@@@_____@@@@, _____@@____________@@______@@@@, _______@@_________@@_______@@@@, _________@@______@@________@@@@, ___________@@___@@@@@@@@@@@@, _____________@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, ____________@@@_____________@@@@, ___________@@________________@@@@, __________@@@@______________@@@@, _________@@@@@@@@@@_____@@@@@, _______@@@@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@, ______@@@___@@@@@@@@@__@@@@, _____@@@_______@@@@@_____@@@@@@, ______@@__________@@________@@@, _____________________________________, ____@@@@@@@___@@________@@, __@@@@@@@@@__@@___@@@@@@@, _@@___@@@@@@__@@_@@@@@@@@@, _______@@@@@@@@@@___@@@@@@@@, ________@@@@@__@@______@@@@@@@, ________@@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, _______@@@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, ______@@_@@@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@@, _____@@__@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, ___@@____@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, __@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@@, _@@@@@@@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, __@@@@@@@@@__@@________@@@@@@, _____@@@@@@@__@@@@____@@@@@@, ________@@@@@__@@@@@@_@@@@@, ____@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@@@, __@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@, _@@@____@@@@__@______@, __________@@@@__@, , , __________@@@@@@

Любимая музыка


Любимые цитаты

Law nastoyaschRep-Forever
Rap is my bread
bei me grou Uhahahahha

Жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения



Верю В Бога

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